After nine months of scrutinising which day he would come, he decided that he didn’t want to miss out on the celebrations and was the first baby (in the area) born on Christmas Day! Hi there Huxley…
Author Archives: Chloe x
Maileg at Monkey Mccoy
I picked up the cutest Maileg toys at Monkey Mccoy ( who launches their brilliant new website today!) and because they are Christmas themed ( OK I just can’t wait) I thought they were perfect for the advent calendar…
Minalulu Dream Catcher
My daughter suffers from bad dreams ( like aa teddy going missing!) so this Minalulu dream catcher was the most perfect gift, not only does it look gorgeous it has managed to stop the nightmares!
Dress Babe and Tess at Elias and Grace
Christmas at Scandiborn
So pleased to finally put our gorgeous Liewood bunny and panda stockings from Scandiborn, the first of the decorations! Enjoying a drink in their “You’ve Got this Mama” mug almost makes me feel like I am Christmas organised (without actually being prepared in anyway)…