A Meri Meri Easter Lockdown Party

A big advantage of having six children is that every meal time is pretty much like a dinner party during lockdown, but we made it extra special with the gorgeous Meri Meri party ware for an easter treat in the garden…

Jewellery Rockahula, Dress Apolina, Quilt Projektityyny, Basket Minifili, Teepee Babo tipi



Absolutely Mama Magazine Christmas Party

We were honoured to be asked our festive party tips in this months Absolutely mama magazine, it was so fun to host an early Christmas party with lots of our favourite brands. Check it out if you see a copy…

Party wear Meri Meri, Jumper Kid Pix, Accessories Rockahula, Christmas decor Scandiborn, playdough Little Munchkins

A very Meri Meri Christmas with Organic Zoo

It’s that time of year again when I attempt to get five kids all smiling and keeping their eyes open at the same time for our Christmas card photo…

Decorations, doll and fairy dress by Meri Meri. Superpower tops by Organic Zoo. Bag and clips from Rockahula.