After this year I think there is every reason to go all out on the Christmas decorating!
Top row left to right: Tree The Little Coach House, Table bag Happy Sunday Studio Star Never Perfect Studio
Middle row l- r: Banner Happy Sunday Studio, Star wall stickers Poli and Oli
Bottom Row l- r: Partywear Meri Meri, Tree print Wonder and Rah, Wire word, Hey Kiddo Studio

Top row l -r: Playspirations dough, mini figures lego, dominoes Scandiborn,
Middle row l – r Glow in the dark ball Scout and co, Pretzel van We are Pop
Bottom row l – r: Marbles Conscious Craft, Fossil kit Conscious Craft, tattoos Rex London

Top row l-r: Dinkum doll blanket Scandiborn, Make up Make me Iconic The Hoppi Hippo, Cookie cutters Scandiborn
Middle row l – r: Nail varnish Sorens House, Hair clips Rockahula
Bottom Row l- r: Maileg Is To Me , Crayons Cissy Wears, Doll outfit Dawn and Day

Top row l – r: Teether Oli and Carol, Teething bracelet Tululu Little One, Play silk Mama Owl
Middle row l -r : Cup The Little Natural Co, Bib Little Blue Nest
Bottom row l – r: Rubber duck Cissy wears, Spoons Scandiborn Hat The Little Natural Co
Lots of little stocking filler present ideas. I always like to include some essential items ( that means no extra expenditure) bubble bath, shampoo even toothbrushes! The bigger the filler the better!