Aaaaaaah if I could force the kids to wear something every day it would be these gorgeous fox and bunny hats from new brand Kia Ora Mr Kit…
Desk Kutikai, Poster Marta Abad Blay.
Aaaaaaah if I could force the kids to wear something every day it would be these gorgeous fox and bunny hats from new brand Kia Ora Mr Kit…
Desk Kutikai, Poster Marta Abad Blay.
Top left to right: Floaty unicorn, Sonny Angels from Retro kids, Pax and Hart poster.
Middle left to right: Bunny balloon from Little Lulubel, T-shirt from Tobias and The Bear.
Bottom left to right: Rainbow suitcases from Kids Boetiek, Bunny necklaces from Stadtland Kind, Crown by Fable Heart.