Don’t forget to enter the Christmas giveaway over on my instagram @chloeuberkid to win a £250 voucher for one of my favourite shops Monkey Mccoy…

Don’t forget to enter the Christmas giveaway over on my instagram @chloeuberkid to win a £250 voucher for one of my favourite shops Monkey Mccoy…
All natural wooden toys are some of my very most favourite things ( completely contradictory to my other very most favourite thing being bright rainbows of course). and because our house is all open plan downstairs I like to keep the colours quite calming so the toys on display have to look beautiful as well as having great play value and I recently found a new UK base online shop called Zuri and Jane that stocks lots of gorgeous things that fit the criteria!
Amazing wooden Montessori puzzles from Stuka Puka.
Shelves Oliver Furniture at Diddle Tinkers.
We finally visited a pumpkin patch for the first time in our lives!! I was so exctied to discover it and it took alot of restraint to not buy a million pumpkins ( which I somehow manage to do every other year and then despair come November 1st)…
Kitty in the most gorgeous Apolina dress, Huxley in Gooseberry Fool crochet waistcoat and Rafferty in Bobo Choses at Millymog.