MOSES BASKET: Ok so not really essential but something every first time parent definitely wants and this Tilly and Cub one is top of my list… So much so I had to get the doll version just so I had one!
NAPPIES: Hypo allergenic and eco friendly these Kit and Kin disposables are the best looking around.
HIGHCHAIR: My brothers and I all had Stokke Tripp Trapp chairs growing up and they are still going strong for the grandkids at my parents now. I love the attachment so even newborns can be part of the family meal.
BOUNCY CHAIR: I recommend the Baby Bjorn to everyone. Through five kids we have been around alot of bouncy chairs and this one is the best I have found by miles. It rocked them to sleep and was probably the thing htat mainly got me thourh dealing with five kids!
PUSHCHAIR: I recently got the Babyzen yoyo and realised I have been seriously missing out powering through with my old fifth hand one! It fits through my stair gate, folds up so easily and to a teeny size and it reclines for nap times. Dream stroller!
CARRIER: I don’t have a particular type to recommend but after not having one with my first daughter, the ease of getting them in one so you are hands free for the second and others was such a relief! A definite must!
DUMMY: None of mine have actually had a dummy because they wouldn’t actually take one not but I really feel that anything that helps calm a baby ( and the parent!) is pretty amazing in my book and these Bibs ones happen to be good looking too.
MUSLIN SWADDLES: I have always had the extra large muslin squares like these ones from Clementine Kids and Mama Designs (although never actually got the hang of swaddling!)…The size of them are brilliant and we have used them endlessly, ranging from wrapping over pushcahirs during nap times and covering a breast feed to towels on the beach for the bigger kids!