TOP ROW left to right:
BABY WRAP: Smallhausen I have found a sling or babywrap one of my most essential items, particularly for my second child onwards. Perfect for when you have to get out and about or just need to have your hands free!
MOSES BASKET Roohami Store Ok so not exactly essential but something every first time parent definitely wants and this moses basket is so gorgeous i know it will be one to keep hold of for the Grandkids!
BAbY CLOTHES Organic Zoo All of my babies have worn the same white sleepsuit and I was so upset to have lost it for my sixth, but was pretty happy with a sweet Organic Zoo replacement. It was hard to buy this time as I wasn’t sure how big my son was going to be ( the hospital had predicted big) so I didn’t want to overbuy in newborn size. It turns out he wasn’t big at all but we got through the first week with a pack of long sleeve baby bodysuits, a few footed sleepsuits, a baby hat and a go over everything warm wool suit for going out in.
Middle Row left to right:
BABY TOILETRIES Although it is best to avoid using soaps and lotions at first, my son did develop nappy rash in the first week so I would recommend having some ready to avoid any middle of the night panics or dashes to get some! We used the Childs farm cream.
TRAVEL SYSTEM The Babyzen yoyo is my pushchair of choice ( I literally can’t rave enough about it ), It fits through my stair gate, and folds up to travel luggage style and is unbelievably light. I was so excited to see that you can get a newborn kit so that it can be used from birth too and can also fit a car seat.
Bottom Row left to right:
NAPPIES Kit and Kin Hypo allergenic and eco friendly and with the cutest design these disposables have got to be the best looking nappies around.
CHANGING MAT Olliella at Scandiborn I know from experience that I always had a changing mat in sight in the first year ( we live in an open plan house with a serious lack of cupboards) and so treated myself to this gorgeous basket from Olliella which lives under the coffee table but is lovely to look at!
MUSLIN Little Beacon I have always had the extra large muslin squares like these one, although never actually got the hang of swaddling! The size of them are brilliant and we have used them endlessly, ranging from wrapping over pushchairs during nap times, covering a breast feed and even instead of towels on the beach for the bigger kids ( so fast drying)!
A few other things to add to the list… Wipes (lots!), a baby towel and a bouncy chair ( i LOVE the baby born bouncy chair and can’t recommend enough).